Bremer Advokater


You aren’t left with questions, after a meeting with us. On the contrary, you leave with answers. Professional, action-oriented and useful answers that solve the challenge you bring to us. Our mission is to provide advice on a plan that everyone understands and thus, prepare you so that you experience being heard and viewed in the challenges, you bring to us. This makes us a strong legal sparring partner, but also good support and advisor for you.

Many cases cannot wait. Some cases are fast-paced, while others, take longer and require greater preparatory work. No one is simply a number in the queue with us. We are always available and do not leave you until the time is right. It is important for us that we create good dialogue, in order to get to know each other, so that we can provide your need with the best solution.

Good law practice is something we truly believe in

All attorneys in Denmark must comply with the Administration of Justice Act’s rules on good legal practice. Both clients and any counterparties can appeal to the Board of Laws, which supervise the compliance of Danish lawyers with the legal rules, and which can impose sanctions if our advice and behaviour might give rise to this.

Good law practice is a norm of behaviour, which includes rules on confidentiality and conflicts of interest. All employees of ours, are subject to professional confidentiality, and in addition, we have security procedures for handling all confidential material.

We review all new cases and conduct thorough investigations in order to avoid that there may be a risk of conflict of interest. We consistently evaluate our procedures for continuous improvement.

Further information on the board’s work and the legal rules can be found on the law board’s website, Here you can also read more about, for example, good law practice and appeals.

Alexander May-Worre
Partner, Lawyer
Alexander is a qualified lawyer from some of the largest law firms in Denmark. Alexander deals extensively with legal and arbitration cases, within several different jurisdictions, as well as dispute resolution in a broad sense.
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Anna Rose Leth Lundvig
Assistant attorney
In my work as an assistant attorney, I deal with advice in particular within the car industry, divorce cases and cases about contact and residence.
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Said Ilhan
Assistant attorney
In my work as a legal assistant at Bremer Advokater, I deal extensively with lawsuits and dispute resolution, where I provide advice to both private individuals and businesses.
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We are with you
all the way.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have questions or wish to discuss a case. You can get in touch with us, by phone or digitally by filling out the form here on the page.

